PC Gamer 2000 January
Unnamed File 000001.bina
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Text File
1,332 lines
;starting loads
(load "petersen civ loads")
(load "petersen difficulty loads")
(load "petersen gather")
(load "petersen upgrades")
(load "petersen castle")
(load "petersen full tech")
(load "petersen rush")
(set-goal military-parity YES) ;goal 3
(set-goal attack-control NO) ;goal 4
(set-goal resource-needed NO) ;goal 5
(set-goal rush-control NOTICE) ;goal 6
(set-goal secondary-build NO) ;goal 8
(set-goal combat-arm NOTICE) ;goal 11
(set-goal soldiers-available NO);goal 10
(set-goal combat-supp UNIT20) ;goal 12
(set-goal age-advancement NO) ;goal 14
(set-goal upgrade-conflict NO) ;goal 16
(set-goal wonder-attempt MAYBE) ;goal 20
(set-goal enemy-soldiers NO) ;goal 26
(set-goal get-mad NO) ;goal 28
(set-goal siege-available YES) ;goal 34
;========================DARK AGE RULES
(set-strategic-number sn-coop-share-information 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-coop-share-attacking 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-town-size 15)
(set-strategic-number sn-task-ungrouped-soldiers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-zero-priority-distance 250)
(set-strategic-number sn-blot-exploration-map 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-attack-intelligence 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-gather-defense-units 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-defense-distance 2)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-gaia-attack-response 2)
(set-strategic-number sn-ignore-attack-group-under-attack 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-minimum-boar-hunt-group-size 5)
(set-strategic-number sn-stone-dropsite-distance 3)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-dropsite-distance 3)
(set-strategic-number sn-retask-gather-amount 20)
(set-strategic-number sn-camp-max-distance 20)
(set-strategic-number sn-mill-max-distance 20)
(set-strategic-number sn-enemy-sighted-response-distance 10)
(set-strategic-number sn-group-form-distance 10)
(set-strategic-number sn-allow-civilian-defense 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-town-defend-priority 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-defend-priority 2)
(set-strategic-number sn-stone-defend-priority 3)
(set-strategic-number sn-forage-defend-priority 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-relic-defend-priority 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-builders 8)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-gatherers 100)
(set-strategic-number sn-minimum-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-wood-drop-distance 20)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-food-drop-distance 20)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-hunt-drop-distance 40)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-fish-boat-drop-distance 30)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-gold-drop-distance 20)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-stone-drop-distance 20)
;start exploring
(game-time > 600)
(starting-resources < high-resources)
(difficulty > hardest)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-builders 15)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-gatherers 85)
(starting-resources == high-resources)
(difficulty == hardest)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-builders 85)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-gatherers 15)
; explore a bit at need
(game-time < 600)
(military-population == 0)
(civilian-population < 15)
(dropsite-min-distance food == -1)
(civilian-population > 10)
(set-strategic-number sn-minimum-civilian-explorers 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-explorers 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-explorers 5)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-builders 15)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-gatherers 80)
; Shut the explorers off when we get enough food
(strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-explorers > 0)
(game-time > 900)
(dropsite-min-distance food > -1)
(military-population > 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-minimum-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-builders 15)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-gatherers 85)
(players-current-age any-enemy > feudal-age)
(players-military-population any-enemy > 2)
(set-strategic-number sn-allow-civilian-defense 0)
; villager count
(current-age == dark-age)
(civilian-population < civ-dark)
(goal rush-control 2)
(goal rush-control BOOMING)
(goal rush-control FEEDING)
(can-train villager)
(train villager)
(current-age == dark-age)
(goal rush-control 2)
(goal rush-control FEEDING)
(civilian-population < civ-dark-rush)
(goal rush-control BOOMING)
(civilian-population < civ-feudal)
(can-train villager)
(train villager)
;maintain housing
(difficulty <= moderate)
(housing-headroom < 5)
(population-headroom > 0)
(can-build house)
(build house)
#load-if-defined DIFFICULTY-EASIEST
(military-population < 10)
(housing-headroom < 5)
(population-headroom > 0)
(can-build house)
(build house)
#load-if-defined DIFFICULTY-EASY
(military-population < civ-dark-rush)
(housing-headroom < 5)
(population-headroom > 0)
(can-build house)
(build house)
;maintain a town center
(game-time > 45)
(building-type-count town-center < 1)
(can-build town-center)
(build town-center)
; Build a mill when we find food
(building-type-count-total house > 0)
(building-type-count-total mill == 0)
(resource-found food)
(game-time > 900)
(can-build mill)
(build mill)
(game-time > 90)
(resource-found wood)
(building-type-count-total house > 0)
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp == 0)
(can-build lumber-camp)
(build lumber-camp)
;build farms
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp > 0)
(building-type-count-total mill > 0)
(idle-farm-count <= 1)
(can-build farm)
(not (goal wonder-attempt YES) )
(build farm)
(building-type-count-total barracks == 0)
(can-build-with-escrow barracks)
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp > 0)
(building-type-count-total mill > 0)
(current-age > dark-age)
(release-escrow wood)
(build barracks)
(building-type-count-total barracks == 1)
(can-build-with-escrow barracks)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(not (goal 1 10) )
(release-escrow wood)
(build-forward barracks)
(current-age == dark-age)
(building-type-count-total mining-camp == 0)
(goal resource-needed GOLD)
(resource-found gold)
(can-build mining-camp)
(build mining-camp)
;=======================FEUDAL AGE RULES
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-town-size feudal-town-size)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-builders 15)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-gatherers 85)
(set-strategic-number sn-camp-max-distance 35)
(set-strategic-number sn-mill-max-distance 35)
(set-strategic-number sn-group-form-distance 20)
(set-strategic-number sn-enemy-sighted-response-distance 10)
(set-strategic-number sn-ignore-attack-group-under-attack 1)
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(set-goal combat-supp UNIT20)
(set-goal age-advancement NO)
(enable-timer t-production 1)
(enable-timer t-lumbercamp 1)
(disable-timer t-ageup)
(current-age == feudal-age)
(current-age-time < 600)
(wood-amount > 500)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-builders 50)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-gatherers 50)
(current-age == feudal-age)
(current-age-time >= 600)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-builders 15)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-gatherers 85)
; villager count
(current-age == feudal-age)
(civilian-population < civ-feudal)
(goal rush-control 3)
(goal rush-control BOOMING)
(goal rush-control FEEDING)
(can-train villager)
(train villager)
(current-age == feudal-age)
(goal rush-control 3)
(civilian-population < civ-dark)
(goal rush-control BOOMING)
(goal rush-control FEEDING)
(civilian-population < civ-castle)
(can-train villager)
(train villager)
;periodically task idle guys, so they don't clog up production
(timer-triggered t-lumbercamp)
(strategic-number sn-task-ungrouped-soldiers == 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-task-ungrouped-soldiers 1)
(timer-triggered t-lumbercamp)
(strategic-number sn-task-ungrouped-soldiers == 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-task-ungrouped-soldiers 0)
; Build camps at need
(timer-triggered t-lumbercamp)
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(resource-found wood)
(dropsite-min-distance wood > 5)
(can-build lumber-camp)
(build lumber-camp)
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(resource-found gold)
(building-type-count-total mining-camp == 0)
(can-build-with-escrow mining-camp)
(release-escrow wood)
(build mining-camp)
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(resource-found stone)
(building-type-count-total mining-camp == 1)
(can-build-with-escrow mining-camp)
(release-escrow wood)
(build mining-camp)
(timer-triggered t-lumbercamp)
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(building-type-count-total market > 0)
(building-type-count-total blacksmith > 0)
(building-type-count-total mining-camp >= 1)
(building-type-count-total mining-camp < mining-count)
(resource-found gold)
(resource-found stone)
(dropsite-min-distance gold > 7)
(dropsite-min-distance stone > 7)
(can-build mining-camp)
(build mining-camp)
(timer-triggered t-lumbercamp)
(disable-timer t-lumbercamp)
(enable-timer t-lumbercamp 30)
(building-type-count-total archery-range == 0)
(goal rush-control 3)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(goal combat-arm CAVARCHER)
(goal combat-arm ARCHER)
(goal pre-unique-arm CAVARCHER)
(goal pre-unique-arm ARCHER)
(can-build-with-escrow archery-range)
(release-escrow wood)
(build archery-range)
(goal combat-arm LIGHTCAV)
(building-type-count-total stable == 0)
(goal rush-control 3)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(can-build-with-escrow stable)
(release-escrow wood)
(build stable)
;feudal age market -- always keep a market handy!
(building-type-count-total market == 0)
(can-build-with-escrow market)
(release-escrow wood)
(build market)
;get a blacksmith
(building-type-count-total market > 0)
(building-type-count-total barracks > 0)
(building-type-count-total blacksmith == 0)
(can-build-with-escrow blacksmith)
(release-escrow wood)
(build blacksmith)
(building-type-count-total market > 0)
(building-type-count-total archery-range == 0)
(goal combat-arm CAVARCHER)
(goal combat-arm ARCHER)
(goal combat-supp CAVARCHER)
(goal combat-supp ARCHER)
(goal pre-unique-arm CAVARCHER)
(goal pre-unique-arm ARCHER)
(can-build-with-escrow archery-range)
(release-escrow wood)
(build archery-range)
(building-type-count-total market > 0)
(building-type-count-total stable == 0)
(goal combat-arm CAVALRY)
(goal combat-arm LIGHTCAV)
(goal combat-supp CAVALRY)
(goal combat-supp LIGHTCAV)
(goal pre-unique-arm CAVALRY)
(goal pre-unique-arm LIGHTCAV)
(can-build-with-escrow stable)
(release-escrow wood)
(build stable)
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(current-age-time > 300)
(building-type-count-total mill < feudal-mill-count)
(wood-amount > 400)
(can-build mill)
(build mill)
(cc-players-building-type-count any-ally market > 0)
(unit-type-count-total trade-cart == 0)
(wood-amount > 300)
(gold-amount > 300)
(goal 1 10)
(not (map-type team-islands) )
(can-train trade-cart)
(train trade-cart)
(current-age == imperial-age)
(cc-players-building-type-count any-ally market > 0)
(unit-type-count-total trade-cart == 0)
(wood-amount > 300)
(gold-amount > 300)
(goal 1 10)
(not (map-type team-islands) )
(can-train trade-cart)
(train trade-cart)
(cc-players-building-type-count any-ally dock >= 1)
(unit-type-count-total trade-cog == 0)
(wood-amount > 300)
(gold-amount > 300)
(not (goal 1 0) )
(can-train trade-cog)
(train trade-cog)
(current-age == imperial-age)
(cc-players-building-type-count any-ally dock >= 1)
(unit-type-count-total trade-cog == 0)
(wood-amount > 300)
(gold-amount > 300)
(not (goal 1 0) )
(can-train trade-cog)
(train trade-cog)
;======================== CASTLE AGE RULES
;see age advancement rules for strategic number-settings
(current-age >= castle-age)
(set-strategic-number sn-sentry-distance 4)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-town-size castle-town-size)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-builders 15)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-gatherers 85)
(set-strategic-number sn-blot-exploration-map 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-camp-max-distance 50)
(set-strategic-number sn-mill-max-distance 50)
(set-strategic-number sn-group-form-distance 30)
(set-strategic-number sn-enemy-sighted-response-distance 15)
(set-goal age-advancement NO)
(disable-timer t-ageup)
; villager count
(current-age == castle-age)
(civilian-population < civ-castle)
(goal rush-control 4)
(goal rush-control BOOMING)
(goal rush-control FEEDING)
(can-train villager)
(train villager)
(current-age == castle-age)
(goal rush-control 4)
(civilian-population < civ-feudal)
(goal rush-control BOOMING)
(goal rush-control FEEDING)
(civilian-population < civ-castle)
(can-train villager)
(train villager)
;Siege Workshop
(building-type-count-total siege-workshop == 0)
(can-build-with-escrow siege-workshop)
(release-escrow wood)
(build siege-workshop)
;University & maintain it
(building-type-count-total university == 0)
(building-type-count-total siege-workshop > 0)
(wood-amount > 500)
(can-build-with-escrow university)
(release-escrow wood)
(build university)
; Build a monastery
(building-type-count-total monastery == 0)
(goal monk-rating GOOD)
(building-type-count-total siege-workshop > 0)
(wood-amount > 500)
(not (goal monk-rating NO) )
(can-build-with-escrow monastery)
(release-escrow wood)
(build monastery)
(goal monk-rating GOOD)
(building-type-count-total monastery < 2)
(building-type-count-total siege-workshop > 0)
(can-build monastery)
(build monastery)
(current-age >= castle-age)
(current-age-time > 300)
(building-type-count-total mill < castle-mill-count)
(wood-amount > 500)
(can-build mill)
(build mill)
;=============================IMPERIAL AGE RULES
;see age advancement rules for strategic number-settings
(current-age == imperial-age)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-town-size imperial-town-size)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-builders 15)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-gatherers 85)
(set-strategic-number sn-camp-max-distance 50)
(set-strategic-number sn-mill-max-distance 50)
(set-strategic-number sn-enemy-sighted-response-distance 15)
(set-goal age-advancement NO)
(current-age == imperial-age)
(civilian-population < civ-castle)
(can-train villager)
(train villager)
(current-age == imperial-age)
(population >= pop-cap)
(unit-type-count villager > civ-castle)
(delete-unit villager)
;another town center?
(current-age == imperial-age)
(building-type-count town-center < town-center-count)
(wood-amount > 400)
(can-build town-center)
(build town-center)
(current-age == imperial-age)
(current-age-time > 300)
(building-type-count-total mill < imperial-mill-count)
(wood-amount > 700)
(can-build mill)
(build mill)
;forward builders!
; start the run-through for island maps
(goal 1 10)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(difficulty <= moderate)
(building-type-count barracks == 1)
(building-type-count-total blacksmith > 0)
(strategic-number sn-number-forward-builders == 0)
(unit-type-count villager >= civ-dark-rush)
(goal combat-arm INFANTRY)
(set-strategic-number sn-number-forward-builders 1)
(goal 1 10)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(difficulty <= moderate)
(building-type-count stable == 1)
(building-type-count-total university > 0)
(strategic-number sn-number-forward-builders == 0)
(unit-type-count villager >= civ-dark-rush)
(goal combat-arm CAVALRY)
(goal combat-arm LIGHTCAV)
(set-strategic-number sn-number-forward-builders 1)
(goal 1 10)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(difficulty <= moderate)
(building-type-count archery-range == 1)
(building-type-count-total market > 0)
(strategic-number sn-number-forward-builders == 0)
(unit-type-count villager >= civ-dark-rush)
(goal combat-arm CAVARCHER)
(goal combat-arm ARCHER)
(set-strategic-number sn-number-forward-builders 1)
(goal 1 10)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(difficulty <= hard)
(building-type-count siege-workshop == 1)
(strategic-number sn-number-forward-builders == 0)
(unit-type-count villager >= civ-dark-rush)
(building-type-count-total archery-range > 1)
(building-type-count-total castle > 1)
(building-type-count-total barracks > 1)
(building-type-count-total stable > 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-number-forward-builders 1)
(goal 1 10)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(difficulty <= hard)
(goal castle-attempt 2)
(unit-type-count villager > civ-dark-rush)
(building-type-count-total castle < 3)
(can-build-with-escrow castle)
(set-strategic-number sn-number-forward-builders 3)
(goal 1 10)
(unit-type-count transport-ship == 0)
(attack-soldier-count < ten-percent-pop)
(unit-type-count villager < 10)
(not (goal rush-control RUSHING) )
(goal military-parity NO)
(strategic-number sn-number-forward-builders >= 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-number-forward-builders 0)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(goal castle-attempt 2)
(difficulty <= hard)
(unit-type-count villager > civ-dark-rush)
(building-type-count-total castle < 3)
(can-build-with-escrow castle)
(release-escrow stone)
(build-forward castle)
(goal castle-attempt 2)
(difficulty <= hard)
(unit-type-count villager > civ-dark-rush)
(building-type-count-total castle < 3)
(can-build-with-escrow castle)
(goal wonder-attempt POSSIBLE)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(release-escrow stone)
(build castle)
(difficulty <= moderate)
(building-type-count barracks < 3)
(building-type-count barracks == 1)
(can-build barracks)
(goal combat-arm INFANTRY)
(current-age == dark-age)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(goal rush-control 2)
(build-forward barracks)
(difficulty <= moderate)
(building-type-count barracks < 3)
(current-age > feudal-age)
(can-build barracks)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(goal rush-control 2)
(goal combat-arm INFANTRY)
(goal combat-supp INFANTRY)
(build barracks)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(difficulty <= moderate)
(building-type-count archery-range == 1)
(building-type-count-total market > 0)
(can-build archery-range)
(goal combat-arm CAVARCHER)
(goal combat-arm ARCHER)
(build-forward archery-range)
(difficulty <= moderate)
(building-type-count archery-range < 3)
(building-type-count-total market > 0)
(can-build archery-range)
(not (goal rush-control RUSHING) )
(goal combat-arm CAVARCHER)
(goal combat-arm ARCHER)
(goal combat-supp CAVARCHER)
(goal combat-supp ARCHER)
(build archery-range)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(difficulty <= moderate)
(building-type-count stable == 1)
(building-type-count-total university > 0)
(can-build stable)
(goal combat-arm CAVALRY)
(goal combat-arm LIGHTCAV)
(build-forward stable)
(difficulty <= moderate)
(building-type-count stable < 3)
(building-type-count-total university > 0)
(can-build stable)
(not (goal rush-control RUSHING) )
(goal combat-arm CAVALRY)
(goal combat-arm LIGHTCAV)
(goal combat-supp CAVALRY)
(goal combat-supp LIGHTCAV)
(build stable)
(goal rush-control RUSHING)
(difficulty <= hard)
(building-type-count siege-workshop == 1)
(can-build siege-workshop)
(building-type-count-total archery-range > 1)
(building-type-count-total castle > 1)
(building-type-count-total barracks > 1)
(building-type-count-total stable > 1)
(build-forward siege-workshop)
(difficulty <= hard)
(building-type-count siege-workshop == 1)
(can-build siege-workshop)
(building-type-count-total archery-range > 1)
(building-type-count-total castle > 1)
(building-type-count-total barracks > 1)
(building-type-count-total stable > 1)
(not (goal rush-control RUSHING) )
(build siege-workshop)
#load-if-not-defined TEAMS-LOCKED
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(players-stance any-computer-ally neutral)
(set-stance this-any-computer-ally neutral)
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(players-stance any-computer-ally enemy)
(set-stance this-any-computer-ally enemy)
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(players-stance any-computer-neutral ally)
(set-stance this-any-computer-neutral ally)
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(players-stance any-computer-neutral enemy)
(set-stance this-any-computer-neutral enemy)
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(players-stance any-computer-enemy ally)
(set-stance this-any-computer-enemy ally)
(current-age >= feudal-age)
(players-stance any-computer-enemy neutral)
(set-stance this-any-computer-enemy neutral)
;if the human player doesn't go neutral at our request
(goal get-mad NO)
(players-stance any-human-neutral enemy)
(difficulty <= moderate)
(current-age > dark-age)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-neutral 22027)
;"I am Neutral to thee. Set thy diplomacy to Neutral to me."
(disable-timer t-chathelp)
(enable-timer t-chathelp 120)
(set-goal get-mad ANGRY)
(not (goal get-mad NO) )
(players-stance any-human-neutral neutral)
(players-stance any-human-neutral ally)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-neutral 22028)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-neutral 22029)
;"Thou art wise to be a potential friend."
;"Thou shalt hear from me again."
(disable-timer t-chathelp)
(set-goal get-mad NO)
(goal get-mad ANGRY)
(timer-triggered t-chathelp)
(players-stance any-human-neutral enemy)
(set-goal get-mad ANGRIER)
(disable-timer t-chathelp)
(enable-timer t-chathelp 180)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-neutral 22030)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-neutral 22031)
;"Thou hast ignored my generous invitation. I am merciful, and give you another chance."
;"Set thy diplomacy to Neutral to me. Now."
(goal get-mad ANGRIER)
(timer-triggered t-chathelp)
(players-stance any-human-neutral enemy)
(set-goal get-mad ANGRIEST)
(disable-timer t-chathelp)
(enable-timer t-chathelp 180)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-neutral 22032)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-neutral 22033)
;"How unwise. Thou art still hostile to me. Set to Neutral at once versus me!"
;"This is thy last opportunity."
(goal get-mad ANGRIEST)
(timer-triggered t-chathelp)
(players-stance any-human-neutral enemy)
(set-goal personality 10)
(disable-timer t-chathelp)
;when an ally turns on us
(goal get-mad NO)
(players-stance any-human-ally neutral)
(players-stance any-human-ally enemy)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-ally 22147)
;"I am thine Ally, friend. Pray set thine diplomacy to Ally, too."
(disable-timer t-chathelp)
(enable-timer t-chathelp 120)
(set-goal get-mad ANGRY)
(not (goal get-mad NO) )
(players-stance any-human-ally ally)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-ally 22148)
;"Thou art gracious to remain mine friend."
(disable-timer t-chathelp)
(set-goal get-mad NO)
(goal get-mad ANGRY)
(timer-triggered t-chathelp)
(players-stance any-human-ally neutral)
(players-stance any-human-ally enemy)
(set-goal get-mad ANGRIER)
(disable-timer t-chathelp)
(enable-timer t-chathelp 180)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-ally 22149)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-ally 22150)
;"What evil is this? Thou art still not friendly?!"
;"Perhaps thou didst not understand? Be mine Ally, for I am thine."
(goal get-mad ANGRIER)
(timer-triggered t-chathelp)
(players-stance any-human-ally neutral)
(players-stance any-human-ally enemy)
(set-goal get-mad ANGRIEST)
(disable-timer t-chathelp)
(enable-timer t-chathelp 180)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-ally 22151)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human-ally 22152)
;"Oh, falsest of friends. This is thy last chance!"
;"If thou wilt have me for Ally, thou must do likewise."
(goal get-mad ANGRIEST)
(timer-triggered t-chathelp)
(players-stance any-human-ally neutral)
(players-stance any-human-ally enemy)
(set-goal personality 10)
(disable-timer t-chathelp)
;end result -- go hostile!!
(stance-toward any-human neutral)
(player-in-game any-computer-ally)
(player-in-game any-computer-enemy)
(player-in-game any-computer-neutral)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human 22034)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human 22035)
;"I have thought better of mine previous merciful plan."
;"Thou must be exterminated, and I shall forever be thine foe."
(set-stance this-any-human enemy)
(set-stance every-computer ally)
(set-goal personality 12)
(disable-timer t-chathelp)
(disable-timer t-chat)
(goal personality 10)
(stance-toward any-human neutral)
(stance-toward any-human ally)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human 22025)
(chat-to-player-using-id this-any-human 22026)
;"So! Thou has chosen to defy me."
;"It shall be war to the knife!"
(set-stance this-any-human enemy)
(set-stance every-computer ally)
(disable-timer t-chathelp)
(disable-timer t-chat)